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On October 19, 2015, Energyhunters participated to an European project of cultural diffusion named Erasmus Plus ( In this program, we were called from the no profit organization called Younet to give our point of view on photovoltaic market and a closer look from the past to the future of this incredible technology. For us this was a wonderful occasion to summarize our point of view on photovoltaic market, photovoltaic prospective and were the technology is going. If you are looking for a market and technology photovoltaic outlook download our presentation here. We were really enthusiastic to have the opportunity to spread the knowledge on this big technology. The recipients of our teaching was a technical high school of Bulgaria. We hope to have given a good view of the future and to help to understand that a green, sustainable and clean world is possible only if distributed power sources are spread on the people as much as possible and, in this scenario, that we all must point to photovoltaic as main actor due to the high availability of source given by the sun and to the technology margins of efficiency growth. Thanks for this occasion. Spread the voice, photovoltaic age is coming!

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Photovoltaic evolution – from the sun to the future of energy.pdf >

Energy Hunters è formato da ingegneri e ricercatori provenienti dal dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica dell’Università di Bologna. Ci proponiamo come riferimento professionale nella determinazione del potenziale rinnovabile di un sito, nella certificazione energetica e nella consulenza per le energie rinnovabili.

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